I know just reading the title and thumbnails you might think "Have you gone mad ?, How can someone earn money online?". If you think that's possible than you are on wrong place to earn money but on right place to get to know the ways of earning moneyBy reading this I bet you'll start right away and get lots of cash.

Ways of Earning Money Online

Without any more descriptions let's dive into the main course.
We have researched and found here are the effective ways to earn money online. For earning money online you don't need any office or big place you just need a proper device and good internet connection.

1. Blog

Blog is one of the major income source online, you just have to write interesting posts and upload it and  the more people read your blog the more you earn. To write a blog post you can just use different services which are absolutely free or can create your own blog website. Blogger and WordPress are great example and they are easy to use and free of cost, which means with some post and a blog website you can earn thousands of dollars.

2. YouTube

YouTube is not just video sharing platform, it's money making machine if used correctly. Let's start with a simple question Why many people are uploading videos in YouTube? It's because they earn money for every views and even fully depend on YouTube earning to sustain their life. You just need a smartphone/computer to record and make videos and a YouTube account to upload it and gain views to earn money.

3. Freelancing

Most of you might know about Freelancing. Even if you don't know don't worry, It's an online platform where you can use you skills (designing,translation,writing,editing etc...) to provide service to the people seeking for service and get paid. There are various freelancing platforms through which you can involve in freelancing service like True-lancer, Freelancer, Upwork, Elance etc.

4. Stock Photography

We might have captured fabulous and attractive photographs but never wondered that those photographs can also give you money. Stock Photography is the platform where you can sell your photographs and earn money. For selling your photographs you must sign in to different stock photography sites and upload your picture there, now for every download of your picture you are paid. Some stock photography sites are Adobe Stock, Shutterstock, Alamy, Istock etc.

5. E-Commerce

If you own a business and your business isn't online what's the point in doing in business? Since world is going digital, businesses are also going digital, from small products to large products, from cheap to expensive everything is available online. You can create an E-Commerce website and upload your products there and earn money easily by selling your products.

Black Swan can be a perfect choice.
If you are wondering how to get your business online then we have leading online company (Black Swan) that helps you take your business online by building your website at reasonable price. 

6. E-book

If you are a writer and you have written books then have you tried launching E-book? Even if you aren't a writer and you can write books then E-book can be your cup of tea. You just need to create an E-book and upload it in Internet and get paid for every purchase of your E-book.